Find a Consulate or Embassy in the United Kingdom (change country)

Russian Embassy in Birmingham Birmingham (City and Borough) > England > United Kingdom

Russian Embassy in Birmingham
Use the SEARCH at the leading to locate any consular office or representation that you will need, by country or city. 

Get in touch with us in case you know any Russian Embassy in Birmingham not appear in this page or in the event you know of any other consular office in the same country that is located in Birmingham or in nearby towns. Below you will find the Russian Embassy in Birmingham we've found for you. Remember that if there can be no consular offices in Birmingham will show you the closest using an advanced system itself GPS tracking approach we have designed.

Consulates, unlike embassies, aren't owned by the states represented at that do not have diplomatic immunity and its services are not exactly the same as those provided an embassy. 

Nearest Russian Embassy in Birmingham, found 2